A Closer Look At The Arcturian Sky Visitation… Upside-Down!

The extraordinary artistry of our sky family is even more evident, when we turn their images upside down. Yeah… I like how the humanoid has a spaceship head with antennas.   I like the gentle eyes and the giant third eye…there’s even a face where the coloured parts are the hair. If the image was rightside up, we’d see the heart. There are several spaceship energies lining up whether right-side up, or upside down. The coloured areas, are the new colours of the fifth dimension.

What are the new colours?


New colours of the fifth dimension that are now being shown to us in the sky via the sylphs and the ufo cloudships, and as well, sunlight shone into crystals may emit the new colours as well… humans too are absorbing and integrating these new colours, and it is activating our brains and dna… and our entire bodies and beings:

Within this Sananda message below, is the following info:

8TH RAY – Seafoam green with violet: clear and cleanse 4 bodies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

9TH RAY – Luminescent light green and blue: love, joy and passion for life

10TH RAY – Pearlescent luminosity: Code your lightbody into the physical, draw in your I AM Presence

11TH RAY – Peach luminosity: Bridge to new age, balance male and female polarities

12 RAY – White Gold: Cosmic fire, ease and grace in one’s creations

*Call upon these rays now and ask yourself to absorb and integrate these 5 new primary colours… why wait? Why forget?


Right-side up

The message?

We are the Acturians… we are preparing you to become more comfortable with our presence in the sky, and eventually, we will walk among you. Use your third eye for intuition. See with new eyes. See with a new belief, and then you may see something new. You are being acclimatized to higher frequencies. Your new eyes will see what your old vision will not see. Be willing to see new forms of life, new forms of health, new ways to live, and new reasons to love.

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